When some desire comes consider it, then suddenly quit it
Face any desire. …
You feel a desire – a desire for sex, a desire for love, a desire for food, anything. You feel a desire: consider it. When the sutra says consider it, it means do not think for or against it, just consider the desire, what it is.
This simple desire has come. Do not bring in the mind, the past, the education, the conditioning; do not bring in values. Just consider this desire – what it is. Do not consider your desire according to some teaching. Just consider the desire in its purity, as it is – a fact. Do not interpret it. Consideration here means not interpreting, but just looking at the fact as it is. The desire is there: look at it directly, immediately. Do not bring in your thoughts or ideas, just look at the desire, at what it is, as if you do not know anything about it. Face it! Encounter it! That is what is meant by CONSIDER IT.
There are two parts to this technique. First, remain with the fact – aware, attentive of what is happening. When you feel a sexual desire, what is happening in you? See how you become feverish, how your body begins to tremble, how you feel a sudden madness creeping in, how you feel as if you are possessed by something else. Feel it, consider it. Do not exercise any judgment, just move into this fact – the fact of sexual desire. Do not say it is bad! If you have said that, the consideration has stopped, you have closed the door. Now your face is not toward the desire – your back is. You have moved away from it. You have missed a moment in which you could have gone deep down into your biological layer of being. You are clinging to the social layer, which is the uppermost.
Consider it, observe it. And then the second part then suddenly quit it. How to quit it? When you have considered a thing totally, it is very easy; it is as easy as dropping this paper from my hand. QUIT IT… What will happen? The moment you can simply say, ”I quit,” a separation happens. Your passionate body and you become two. Suddenly, in a moment, they are two poles apart. The body is writhing with passion and the center is silent, observing. No fight is there, just a separation – remember this. In fight you are not separate. When you are fighting you are one with the object. When you have just quit it, you are separate. Now you can look at it as if someone else is there, not you.