Do not judge

     This message is to help you to grow beyond purity and impurity, beyond division really, beyond dichotomy, duality. It is very difficult to conceive of it because it is absolutely non-ethical, non-moral. Existence is non-dual, it is one, and all distinctions are man-created – all distinctions, remember. Distinctions as such are man created.  Good-bad, pure-impure, moral-immoral, virtue-sin: all these concepts are man-created. They are attitudes of man; they are not real. What is impure and what is pure? What is immoral and what is moral?” It depends on your interpretation.

     What is very pure for other teachings, a virtue, is a sin for us, because their concept of purity divides. For them something becomes impure.”     Don’t divide, be undivided; only then will you be victorious. How to be undivided? You don’t condemn, don’t say”this” is good and”that” is bad. Just withdraw all conceptions of purity and impurity. Look at the world, but don’t say what it is. Be ignorant, don’t be too much wise. Don’t label, remain silent, non-condemnatory, non-justifying. If you can remain silent about the world, by and by this silence will penetrate within. And if the division is not there outwardly, the division will disappear from the inner consciousness, because both CAN exist together.

     Try this. Just move in the world without any values, just with natural facts: someone is this, someone is that. And then, by and by, you will feel a non-division within yourself. Your polarities will be coming together; your”bad” and your”good” will be coming together. They will merge into one, and you will become one unity. There will be nothing as pure, nothing as impure. Know the reality.

     The Purity of other teachings is an impurity to us- ”What is basic for others is poisonous for us.” There are teachings which are based on non-violence. They say violence is bad, non-violence is good. But non-violence is non-violence, violence is violence; nothing is good and nothing is bad.

     If you are non-judging, not taking any moral standpoint, simply observing facts as they are, not interpreting them according to yourself, then you cannot be judged. You are transformed completely. Now there is no need for YOU to be judged by any divine power – there is no need! You have become divine yourself; you have become God yourself. Be a witness, not a judge.