Remember that everything changes

     That everything you know about is change; except for you, the knower, everything is change. Have you seen anything which is not change? Even the Himalayas are changing; really still growing. This whole world is a phenomenon of change. Nothing is unchanging except the knower. But that is always behind. It always ”knows”; it is really never known. It can never become the object; it is always the subject. Whatsoever you do or know, it is always behind. You cannot know it, but How to know it?self-knowledge.

     Self-knowledge is a negative process. You cannot know yourself directly; you can simply go on eliminating objects of knowledge. When there is no object of knowledge, when you cannot know anything, when there is nothing but the vacuum, the emptiness – and this is what meditation is: just eliminating all objects of knowledge – then a moment comes when consciousness is, but there is nothing to be conscious of; knowing is, but there is nothing to know. The simple, pure energy of knowing remains and nothing is left to be known. There is no object.

     Through change consume change-, that everything is change; feel it, and then you will not cling to it, by and by, by leaving everything that changes, you will fall into yourself to the center where there is no change. Just go on eliminating change, and you will come to the unmoving, to the center – the center of the wheel. The wheel moves, but the center on which it moves remains unmoving. So the SANSARA – the world – moves like a wheel. Your personality moves like a wheel, and your innermost essence remains the center on which the wheel moves. It remains unmoving.

     Don’t cling, but move. Why be afraid? Move into it, live it out. Allow it to happen, and you move into it. Consume it through itself. Consume anger through anger; consume the SANSARA through the sansara. Don’t fight with it, be relaxed, because fight creates tensions and fight creates anxiety, anguish, and you will be unnecessarily disturbed. Allow the world to be as it is. There is no need to change anyone – neither the world nor yourself. That is the deepest core of mysticism. And the moment there is no effort to create any change, you can relax totally. So there is no future in your mind – no future thoughts, you are here now; this moment is all. Everything is changing, and suddenly you become aware of a point within you, which has never changed.