Touch your eyes lightly

     Use both your palms, put them on your eyes, and allow the palms to touch the eyeballs – but just like a feather, with no pressure. Your hand should just be a feather, a weightless thing, simply touching, if you press you miss the point, you miss the whole technique. Put less and less pressure until you are just touching with no pressure at all – just your palms touch the eyeballs.  And the energy that is flowing through the eyes is very subtle: a small pressure and it starts fighting and a resistance is created. When you simply touch without any pressure, the energy starts moving within. Simply the door is closed and the energy falls back. The moment energy falls back, you will feel a lightness coming all over your face, your head. Just between these two eyes is the third eye. The energy falling back from the eyes hits the third eye. That’s why one feels light, levitating, as if there is no gravitation. And from the third eye the energy falls on the heart. It is a physical process: just drip, drip, it drops, and you will feel a very light feeling entering in your heart. The heartbeats will slow down, the breathing will slow down. Your whole body will feel relaxed.

     Whenever your eyes feel exhausted, dry of energy, exploited – after reading, seeing a film, or watching TV – whenever you feel it, just close the eyes and touch. Immediately there will be the effect. But if you want to make it a meditation, then do it for at least forty minutes.

     Go on being aware that you are not pressing; only touching. This will become a deep awareness, just like breathing. Your mind will be totally there, alert, near the eyes, and the energy will be flowing constantly.

     Immediately, the moment you touch, lightness comes. That lightness penetrates, opens into the heart. In the heart, only lightness can enter; nothing heavy can enter. Only very light things can happen to the heart. This lightness between the two eyes will start dropping into the heart, and the heart will open to receive it – And as the falling energy becomes a stream and then a river and then a flood, you will be washed completely, washed away. You will not feel that you are. You will feel simply the cosmos is. Breathing in, breathing out, you will feel you have become the cosmos. The cosmos comes in and the cosmos goes out. The entity that you have always been, the ego, will not be there.