Watch the gap between two breaths



Watch the gap between two breaths

     After breath comes in – that is, down – and just before turning out – that is, going up – THE BENEFICENCE. Be aware between these two points, and the happening. When your breath comes in, observe. For a single moment, or a thousandth part of a moment, there is no breathing – before it turns up, before it turns outward. One breath comes in; then there is a certain point and breathing stops. Then the breathing goes out. When the breath goes out, then again for a single moment, or a part of a moment, breathing stops. Then breathing comes in.

     Before the breath is turning in or turning out, there is a moment when you are not breathing. In that moment the happening is possible, because when you are not breathing you are not in the world.

      Each outgoing breath is a death and each new breath is a rebirth. So with each breath you are dying and being reborn. The gap between the two is of a very short duration, but keen, sincere observation and attention will make you feel the gap. If you can feel the gap, Shiva says, THE BENEFICENCE. Then nothing else is needed. You are blessed, you have known; the thing has happened. You are not to train the breath. Leave it just as it is. Why such a simple technique? It looks so simple. Such a simple technique to know the truth? To know the truth means to know that which is neither born nor dies, to know that eternal element which is always. You can know the breath going out, you can know the breath coming in, but you never know the gap between the two.

     Try it. First, become aware of the breath coming in. Watch it. Forget everything, just watch breath coming in – the very passage.When the breath touches your nostrils, feel it there. Then let the breath move in. Move with the breath fully consciously. When you are going down, down, down with the breath, do not miss the breath. Do not go ahead and do not follow behind, just go with it. Remember this: do not go ahead, do not follow it like a shadow; be simultaneous with it. Breath and consciousness should become one. The breath goes in – you go in. Only then will it be possible to get the point, which is between two breaths. It will not be easy. Move in with the breath, then move out with the breath: in out, in-out.


Watch the turning point between two breaths



Watch the turning point between two breaths

     The emphasis is now not on the gap, but on the turning. The outgoing and ingoing breath makes a circle. Remember, these are not two parallel lines. We always think of them as two parallel lines – breath going in and breath going out. Breath going in is half the circle; breath going out is the other half of the circle.

     First, breathing in and out creates a circle. They are not parallel lines, because parallel lines never meet anywhere. Secondly, the breath coming in and the breath going out are not two breaths, they are one breath. The same breath, which comes in, goes out, so it must have a turn inside. It must turn somewhere. There must be a point where the incoming breath becomes outgoing. Realize the turns and you will realize the self. Be aware at the turn. But it is a very short turn; very minute observation will be needed.

      Observation means remaining with no word, with no verbalization, with no bubbling inside – just remaining WITH. If you can remain with the breath for three minutes, completely, with no movement of the mind, the thing will happen – the beneficence. You will realize.

     On turning, the breath leaves you to move in a different direction. It was with you when it was coming in; it will be with you again when it goes out. But at the turning point it is not with you and you are not with it. In that moment the breath is different from you, and you are different from it.

     Before the breath is turning in or turning out, there is a moment when you are not breathing. In that moment the happening is possible, because when you are not breathing you are not in the world. Understand this: when you are not breathing you are dead; you ARE still, but dead. But the moment is of such a short duration that you never observe it.

     If you stop your breath, the mind stops suddenly.  A sudden stoppage of breath and the mind stops. Why? Because they are dis joined.  Only a moving breath is joined with the mind, with the body; a non-moving breath is dis joined.   When breath takes a turn. You are not joined with it. In that moment you can easily become aware of who you are. REALIZE. He says just be aware of the turning, and you become a realized soul.


Watch the fusion point of two breaths


Watch the fusion point of two breaths


     Whenever in-breath and out-breath fuse, at this instant touch the energy less-energy filled center. It is energy-less because your bodies, your minds, cannot give any energy to it. Your body energy is not there, your mind energy is not there, so it is energy-less as far as you know your identity. But it is energy-filled because it has the cosmic source of energy, not because of your body energy. Your body energy is just fuel energy.

     We are divided into the center and the periphery. The body is the periphery; we know the body, we know the periphery. We know the circumference, but we do not know where the center is.

     When the out-breath fuses with the in-breath, when they become one, when you cannot say whether it is the out-breath or the in-breath… when it is difficult to demarcate and define whether the breath is going out or coming in, when the breath has penetrated in and starts moving out, there is a moment of fusion. It is neither going out nor moving in. The breath is static. When it is moving out it is dynamic; when it is coming in it is dynamic. When it is neither, when it is silent, non-moving, you are near to the center. The fusion point of the in and outgoing breath is your center.

     Look at it in this way: when the breath goes in, where does it go? It goes to your center, it touches your center. When it goes out, from where does it go out? It moves from your center. Your center has to be touched.

     The head is not the center; the navel is your center. The breath goes to the navel, then it moves out. It goes to the center; it is a bridge between you and your body. You know the body, but you do not know where your center is. The breath is constantly going to the center and moving out, but we are not taking enough breath. Thus, ordinarily it does not really go to the center – now, at least, it is not going to the center. That is why everyone feels ”off-center.”

     Take deep, slow breaths. Touch the center; do not breathe from the chest – that is a trick. The moment you can feel the center from where breath goes out or comes in, the very point where the breaths fuse –that center – if you become aware of it, then enlightenment.

Be aware when breathing stops



Be aware when breathing stops

     When breath is all out (up) and stopped of itself, or all in (down) and stopped- in such universal pause, one’s small self vanishes.  This is difficult only for the impure.  But who is the pure one?

     Any sudden, unexpected, unbelievable thing can create the pause for the impure. But for the pure there is no need of such things. For the pure, the pause is always there. Many times, for pure minds, breathing stops. If your mind is pure – pure means you are not desiring, hankering, seeking anything – silently pure, innocently pure, you can be sitting and suddenly your breath will stop.

     The breathing stopping itself can be felt sometimes suddenly. You are driving a car and suddenly you feel there is going to be an accident. Breathing will stop. If it is out, it will remain out. If it is in, it will remain in. You cannot breathe in such an emergency; you cannot afford it. Everything stops, departs.

    Your small self is only a daily utility. In emergencies you cannot remember it. Who you are – the name, the bank balance, the prestige, everything – just evaporates. Your car is just heading toward another car; another moment and there will be death. In this moment there will be a pause. Even for the impure there will be a pause. Suddenly breathing stops. If you can be aware in that moment, you can reach the goal.

     Mind movement needs breath movement. Mind moving fast needs fast movement in breath. That is why when you are in anger, breath will move fast. In the sex act, the breath will move very fast. That is why in Ayurveda- a system of herbal medicine in India- it is said that your life will be shortened if too much sex is allowed. Your life will be shortened, according to Ayurveda, because Ayurveda measures your life in breaths. If your breathing is too fast, your life will be shortened.

     In sex breathing will become fast; in anger breathing will become fast. In sex the mind is filled with desire, lust, impurity. When the mind is pure – no desire in the mind, no seeking, no motivation; you are not going anywhere, but just remaining here and now as an innocent pool… not even a ripple –then breathing stops automatically. There is no need for it.

     On this path, the small self vanishes and you attain to the higher self, the supreme self.