Imagine spirit within and without
For this technique sit in a lonely place: if the surrounding is natural, it is good, it not, then a room can also do. Then close your eyes and imagine a spiritual force is felt within and without. Within you a river of consciousness is flowing and it is going all over the room, overflowing. Within and without, around you, everywhere, spirit is present, energy is present. imagine it in the mind, start feeling within the body – your body will start vibrating. Feel that the whole universe by and by is spiritualized – everything, the walls of the room, the trees around you, everything has become no-material, it has become spiritual. Matter is no more. Soon you will feel that within and without have disappeared. The boundaries are lost. Now there is only a flow, an ocean, vibrating.
Imagination is only destroying the old concepts, matter, old patterns of the mind which go on looking at things in a certain way. Imagination is destroying them. And then the reality will be revealed. Until you feel that all distinctions have disappeared, all boundaries have dissolved and the universe has become just an ocean of energy.
Remember one basic thing: unless the pattern of your mind is thrown away, unless you are ”depatterned”, unless your conditioning is thrown away and you are deconditioned, you will not know what reality is – you will know only interpretations. Those interpretations are the workings of your own mind. Unpatterned reality is the only reality. And this technique is to help you to unpattern, to decondition, to dissolve from the mind the words which have gathered there. You cannot look because of them.
Imagine energy, not substance, nothing static, but process, movement, rhythm, dance, and go on imagining until the entire universe spiritualizes. Matter is no longer there, only immaterial, oceanic existence, just waves, vibrations. God is not a person it is a whole creative energy of existence, an ocean of energy. God is the creative force, the very creation itself, every moment you are being created, every moment you are in deep relationship with the divine, with the source of creativity. This is a very alive concept.
Through this technique you will have glimpse of the creative force, within and without. And once you can feel the creative force and the touch, the impact of it, you will become totally different, you will never be the same again. God has entered you. You have become an abode.